Wednesday, August 5, 2015

surfaces based on repetition

I use cloth and thread to create densely stitched surfaces based on repetition of archetypal shapes.  The complex textures in the finished pieces connects with the  body's haptic sense which gives poetic resonance.

(this is the reverse side of moon cloth from design wall at home studio a week ago.  I am working from both sides on this piece)


  1. working the moon from both sides now has the old Joni Mitchell singing in my head

  2. That first paragraph is poetic resonance all by itself.

    I love the back sides of cloth more than the front, sometimes. As a senior in high school, I made my own prom dress, and because I liked the wrong side so much more, I made it the right side. The Engineer found a way to hang In Our Own Language 3 so that viewers can see the front and walk around and see the back. That you're working on both sides takes it one step further into the realm of brilliance. x


I hope that we can have a conversation about creation. Thank you for taking interest. x