Sunday, December 6, 2020

brave shapes of colour, not sad

to go beyond what I know

to make without a firm plan

these little squares of colour lead me.  I place them next to each other, and then listen to hear how they like their neighbours

I notice how they each have a presence, whether bold or quiet, and how the diagonal pathsthey make either blend in with others to create a firm yet gentle ground, or stand out boldly and are perhaps too loud

I have to wait until more colours go up

sometimes there is too much darkness and greyness.  how did that happen?  I am still the boss

I want to make something brave, not sad.  I often have to un-pick and re-sew.

The bravery of these colours, and these neat square shapes hand-sewn one to the other.

These colours and their paths are the subject today.  The SUBJECTS.

The object I end up with deals with these subjects, and that's all it does.

And while I sew them, I listen to the book about animal rights and astrology.

(Journal entry today)


  1. (((Judy))) that first one is such a classic photo of process as still life

    1. With the bowls of fruit and the mermaid costume draped over a chair 😂

  2. "to make without a firm plan ... to un-pick and re-sew" ... how steadily you go

    1. It makes me feel amazed - to see and touch positivity. xo


I hope that we can have a conversation about creation. Thank you for taking interest. x