Sunday, February 19, 2023

Story or Poem


A story applies to a definite period of time. 

A poem is about the unchanging, the universal. 

Time destroys the beauty and use of the story.

Time augments the eternal truth of the poem. 


  1. There is such perfect truth in this ... it is itself a poem ... Liz A

  2. It's something to remember, and I think it applies to artwork too. Art or quilts can become dated looking when they are so specific - they become timeless classics when they have more universal, archetypal motifs and fabrics. Thanks for reading and commenting, Liz. xxo

  3. Came over from Liz'a today...such a truth you've put here! And I agree that it holds true for art too. I think of this often when I look at my La Conchita piece. So particular to those days in 2005. Feels frozen.

  4. Does that mean that some stories are poems? It must be, because some stories are universal, about the unchanging. Maybe they're poetry in a long prose form.

  5. Thanks for sharing with your knowledge and insights. Don't stop there ❤️️


I hope that we can have a conversation about creation. Thank you for taking interest. x