Monday, April 6, 2015

artist statement

We exist right here
right now
to complete our life's work.


  1. this is my painting studio wall - it had been under construction for a month while Ned painted and put new lighting so I can really work there. I am having such a hard time however -

  2. Having a hard time how? I just recently (think 2 days ago) sat myself down for an eyeball-to-eyeball, making it clear that I'm tired of waiting for things to become Perfect so my life can start. Today I'm doing sprints - gathering fistfuls of scraps and stitching "by rote". No plan, no scissors, no title or goal or preconceived notion. Just me, the cloth, and thread. (Of course my sprint - which I'd allowed an hour for - has been interrupted 4 times before the halfway mark.) (Sigh.)

    1. I am having a hard time with painting. I have an idea of what to paint - but I can not get the paints out...cannot commit. Ned says that I am not relaxed enough.
      Today I put away the paper and relaxed into my cloth. I have a gallery that needs new work in early May and prefer paintings - so I was really pushing myself to do it. But can't.
      I am teaching every Thursday and that's enough for me it seems. I keep coming up with so many new ideas for stitch...I just need to focus. I remember giving up knitting in favour of quilting and it felt oK - but I'm not sure that I want to give up painting. I still hold on to the idea that I am a painter....that's what is hard.
      and why were you interrupted? Put your buzzer on and tell whoever interrupted you that you will be free when it goes off.


I hope that we can have a conversation about creation. Thank you for taking interest. x