Sunday, September 20, 2020


What inspired me about Marcus Aurelius was the sense of speaking the truth.  Writing the truth because you have no expectation of an audience.  That's how I was trying to write this book.

There's nothing self-indulgent about the way he discusses himself.  He's almost seeing himself entirely from the outside as a stranger would trying to understand what he is capable of, what he is not capable of and how he reacts in various situations.    

Zadie Smith speaking to Eleonar Wachtel about her new book of essays  (Intimations) written during the pandemic and how Aurelius' book, Meditations, inspired her.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

finishing things

 I read something in Guardian Weekly about MUSHY BRAINS.

Feeling overwhelmed.

It advised to finish one thing at a time.  That finishing things helps.  So I'm doing that.

Finishing projects.  Stitching them until they are done.

Friday, September 11, 2020

the significance of dreams

A belief in the collective unconscious to which our efforts in life contribute

A belief in the value of synchronicity

The significance of dreams

The general understanding of the world's yin/yang balance

Life and its processes are cyclical.

These are the premises of Jungian philosophy