Saturday, April 25, 2015

not thinking

You can't think about things while you're painting.
The worst thing to think about is your SELF.
It gets in the way and you make mistakes.
Agnes Martin


  1. interesting topic, thinking. i attended a writer's retreat this past weekend, and over lunch on saturday, i had a most interesting, energizing, and rewarding conversation with the man who sat across from me and his wife who sat next to me. he is a philosopher by training who wants to write a book, and his question: how do you access feelings. his wife, a family/marriage therapist, sat stone faced as her husband quickly began to argue with everything i said and began most sentences with "you are wrong." though i could have (and ordinarily would have) gotten up to leave, i stayed and patiently explained to him that we all think differently and that we are all trained to think in certain ways (then i delved into neuroplasticity and assured him that we can train ourselves to think in different ways) and that sometimes, we have to distract our brains and think with other parts of our body. i told him about haptics, and well, there's too much to recount here, but it was such a good conversation, and i'm so proud of myself for not capitulating before his (self-proclaimed) voice of authority.


I hope that we can have a conversation about creation. Thank you for taking interest. x