Monday, October 26, 2020


 "I don't know why my pictures come out looking so good.  I just don't get it."  said Robert Mapplethorpe in the bi0-pic I watched last night,  Mapplethorpe.  

Some other movies that have come to my attention that I want to see but are not as available:  Final Portrait - (a film about Giacometti) , Losing Ground, a 1982 movie directed by Kathleen Collins, finally  released in 2015 and Beyond the Visible, a profile of Hilma af Klint.  

A movie I did see however was Happy As Lazarro  , directed by Alice Rohwacher.  This experience was a beautiful magical dream, and I am forever changed.  


  1. I like it “over here” as I call this space. I will look for the film. I guess you are on the way to stitching “I deserve it.” I have a quote by Nelson Mandela, preserved from some handout:

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness that most frightens us.

    1. The ‘please I do not deserve it text that I am stitching is some I found by Louise bourgeois. I read the book of her writings “ the destruction of the father” 9 or 10 years ago and this text was in that book, copied out like lines on a blackboard. I was so moved by her self doubt and self awareness that I started to translate her words into slow large stitch. But ran out of steam and it’s been folded up for all that time. I take it out to look at because I keep thinking that I should unpick the words and use the cloth for another purpose. But when it is pinned up , my heart goes into my throat and I change my mind. I resolve to finish it and then fold it up again. Maybe it is doing enough for me the way it is.
      And thank you for the Mandela quote. Sincerely xxx


I hope that we can have a conversation about creation. Thank you for taking interest. x