Friday, February 19, 2021


 To me, the only hope is in art.

If we can reforest our world and put a moratorium on a lot of the things we're doing, the world will heal itself.  The creative force of being human, which is found in art, is also found in technology.

The irony is that we are here for such an incredibly short period of time, just a moment really, and all I am doing is what I can do in that moment.  

Wanda Koop 


  1. have the red squares become B&W or is this a new light green heart cloth? love how your work transforms with deeply considered time

  2. Yes Mo! I have removed the red and replaced each with a black and white graphic cotton that I have had in my collection for a long time. I am still simplifying and really listening to what the work needs. I can't seem to stop working on it. I am trusting.

  3. I see zebras in their homeland. This most surely is art. Be well.


I hope that we can have a conversation about creation. Thank you for taking interest. x