Tuesday, March 24, 2015

the audition

 red wool inside
 auditioning indigo wool gauze for back
 or indian sari silk?
or procion dyed wool in loden green

I would not be able to do my work without a design wall and a journal.
Also the attitude of boundless time, as if I have all the time in the world.
Also my kitchen buzzer.
Also my digital camera.


  1. Attitude of timelessness paired with a kitchen buzzer. Now that's funny. (And resonant) I begin to covet your design wall.

    1. the kitchen buzzer allows me to feel as if I have all the time in the world. Yes, it is funny - but it works for me.x

  2. A buzzer works for me too. When I get a fright when I hear the alarm I know I have been in a timeless space - working, thinking, doing. Love the auditioning.

    1. When I first started carving time out from the daily life of motherhood, I set the buzzer to 15 minutes. Now, I set it for a full hour....and I try to do 3 hours in a row of studio or stitch work. But so often that is not possible, because of the way life is...yet the buzzer lets me go. It says....come back in an hour after you have written those emails.
      I use the buzzer to give me more time.


I hope that we can have a conversation about creation. Thank you for taking interest. x