Wednesday, September 16, 2015

touch is like dizziness

All touch traverses the boundary between interiority and externality

and then returns to the agent of touching.

Touch, like dizziness, is a threshold activity.

A place where subject and object are quite close to each other.

Susan Stewart

From her museum of touch essay in Material Memories: Design and Evocation


  1. This is becoming such a wonderful piece-I want to reach out and touch the quilt-it does indeed make me a bit dizzy!

  2. this beautiful dream cloth reminded me of this quote-
    “sews poems into shadows, pillows, and street corners.”
    written by Maria José Gonzalez Arredondo in the gallery catalogue for the Object Poems show (now sadly deleted) at 23 Sandy Gallery in 2011 when I bought Through an Object Poem by her husband Mark Owens


I hope that we can have a conversation about creation. Thank you for taking interest. x